I am completely serious when I tell you this. Based on the evolution of the United States government and our current standing in the world, it is likely that short of President of the United States, the most important office in the federal government and the least known federal government office is the Government Accountability Office. […]
Strongbrook Mentoring Network It’s Free
If free is not enough, I don’t know what it will take to get you to check this out…seriously, if you have any desire for self improvement (boy, I do) I strongly encourage you to spend a few minutes to see just what this is. Just opt-in at the upper right hand corner of this […]
“It’s Like An App Store For Mentorship”
What do Buckminster Fuller, Peter J. Daniels, and Andrew Carnegie all have in common? They each achieved huge fortunes. All three greatly influenced the politics of their time. Each made philanthropy or the giving away of millions of dollars a major focus. And each started out poor, uneducated, with no special advantages of birth, pedigree, or station. Within the biographies […]
The Sentence That Knocked Down the Berlin Wall (But Almost Didn’t)
This post is a reprint of the November 5 ,2014 article from the Intercollegiate Review. In retrospect, what event fails to suggest a certain inevitability about itself, conveying the sense that because it happened it had to have happened? Twenty-five years ago this week, the Berlin Wall finally fell. Of course it did. How […]
That Which is Seen and That Which is Not
The President of the United States believes that our role in the global community is to punish the Syrian government for military strikes on Syrian civilians resulting in hundreds of deaths and diminishing the Assad regime’s ability to deploy biological agents in the future. Whether or not it is the duty of the U.S. to […]
If It Saves Just One Life
I was shocked, dismayed, and like you I personally grieved for the families who lost children at the Newtown, Connecticut shooting just two month ago. What a severe act of violence. Who can make sense of 27 senseless deaths? It will indeed be a black mark on American history. And as much as I try […]
Controversial Article: Read At Your Own Risk
This is an article worth reading. It is a liberal critic by a normally liberal news outlet. It is the kind of scrutiny that all potential presidents should be subjected to (before the election) and it addresses the issue of racism. I Too Have Become Disillusioned —by Matt Patterson (Columnist, Washington Post, New York Post […]
Why Colleges Don’t Teach the Federalist Papers
The May 7th, 2012 issue of the Wall Street Journal printed an article entitled: WHY COLLEGES DON’T TEACH THE FEDERALIST PAPERS by Peter Berkowitz At America’s top schools, graduates leave without reading our most basic writings on the purpose of constitutional self-government. Berkowitz begins his article: It would be difficult to overstate the significance of […]
Attention Span: Our National Education Crisis, Part Four
Read Part One Here Read Part Two Here Read Part Three Here Fallacy Number 4: “Balance” means balancing work with entertainment. Today’s adults don’t usually find out what really hard work is until they graduate and have to support a family. The average person supporting a family in modern America puts in over fifty hours […]
My Experience At The Utah State Legislature: Part Four, Legislation
Read Part One Here Read Part Two Here Read Part Three Here (This resolution was passed onto the full House for debate with a favorable recommendation on February 13, 2012) Rep. Galvez is leading the way to a sound monetary system for Utah. Representative Brad J. Galvez proposes the following substitute bill: JOINT RESOLUTION ON […]