What Did LaVoy Finicum Die For?: Part One
I watched the January 26, 2016 FBI footage and Finicum definitely attempted to run the roadblock, almost striking an agent who jumped in front of him. He left the vehicle immediately walking several yards away covered by multiple agents. He seems to have put his hands down for some reason and the agents shot him […]
YOUTH FOR AMERICA: It’s Back and Has Found A New Home
It has always been true—the youth are the future. So what does your future hold? Are you prepared to step into your GREATNESS? Monticello College hosts Youth For America retreats because we take your future leadership serious. But nobody said that learning about great American leaders and developing your own leadership skills had to be […]
American Freedom Starts at Home
When I first met them, the Pattersons were just a typical low-middle-class California family. But they really cared about raising their children (3 adopted and 1 natural born) the right way and always had lots of questions and seemed to work hard at going the extra mile to learn or do their very best. Don’t […]
The Failing American Dream: There Is A Cure
In April of this year, John Stossel wrote a thought provoking article about the ability of never quitting as being the reason America has been successful. I quote him here: In the USA, it’s OK to fail and fail and try again. In most of Europe and much of the world, the attitude is: You had your […]
Funding Monticello College: A 21st Century Approach
Historically, most American institutions of higher education struggled to fund themselves. Non-profit institutions did not generally have mechanisms for generating revenue. Thus they relied on tuition, donations, and an endowment. Harvard, America’s first school, suffered this same fate. In 1636, without any endowment (the gift from John Harvard, the school’s name sake was quickly squandered) […]
Building Two Towers And The Abundance Mentality
At regular intervals during undergraduate enrollment, a Monticello College mentor takes time to talk about the future. What will you be doing after graduation? What is your mission? Do you plan to have a family? How will you fulfill that mission while providing for your family? This necessarily leads to a great discussion. All students […]
The Debate Over The 2nd Amendment
Whether you support it or not, the recent dispute over the Second Amendment has the makings of a serious controversy in coming days. With the current refusal of as many as 300,000 Connecticut gun owners who legally possess rifles that have just now become illegal in that state, we are witnessing a profound example of civil disobedience. The amendment in question states: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the […]
That Which is Seen and That Which is Not
The President of the United States believes that our role in the global community is to punish the Syrian government for military strikes on Syrian civilians resulting in hundreds of deaths and diminishing the Assad regime’s ability to deploy biological agents in the future. Whether or not it is the duty of the U.S. to […]
The Dawning Of A New Era
We have been saying for years that the day would come when the concepts and results of a liberal education would again be valued in politics, business, and society in general, that citizenship would enjoy a renewed position of importance in our nation, and that statesmen would rise up in our capitols to provide courageous […]
The Liberal Arts During Bondage: Part Two; How Do the Liberal Arts Help Us During Bondage?
Click Here to Read Part One Bringing You Up To Speed If you will recall from part one, for the past twenty years, we have taught that America was somewhere on the “pre-bondage” side of the cycle, between Selfishness and Dependence. As we enter 2013, we have clearly entered the Bondage phase. Just consider […]