The Monticello College Campus Construction Progresses In Spite of the Recession


DSC01058A miracle occurred last month at the Campus of Monticello College.

With a very small crew and limited resources, over 130 yards of concrete was poured for the foundation and floor for the 5,000 square foot commercial kitchen and dining hall.

We are constructing all of the buildings on campus to last at least 200 years.

With this in mind, we erected 18, eleven foot steel I-beam posts, each weighing more than 200 pounds and each capable of carrying tons of weight which is several times more than the roof load itself. Each post was imbedded 3 feet into the foundation.

The actual walls will be layered rammed earth, 18 inches wide and sealed in a clear sealant, resulting in a building of incredible natural beauty with several times the strength required by code.



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Examples of Rammed Earth

The design for our building, was created by Eric George, owner of the construction company, Old School, LLC with its offices located in Monticello, Utah.  Eric is the construction manager for the MC campus construction.

Cleve Smith of CRS, Mechanical, a Park City based plumbing company, donated all the labor for the plumbing and provided significant concrete expertise for this very large 84 feet by 44 feet pour.

With a combined total of nearly 400 hours over a week, Mr. Smith, Mr. George and crew (Chris Parker, Sloane Perkins, Joseph George, Decker Perkins, Ben Brooks, and Shanon Brooks) literally exhausted themselves to finish this project on time.

DSC01040In other Monticello College news, two beautiful doelings were born on May 13, 2013.

They are the first on-campus addition to our goatherd.
photoThe campus barn received its first coat of paint last week and we are hopeful that enough donations will come in to pay for the metal roof before the end of the year.

We are excited for our upcoming events, the Georgics Seminar and The Family Retreat.

Both are a week long and nearly full, so let us know this week if you plan to attend but have not registered.

Register Here

6 Responses

  1. Bro, if you need any labor in the future let me know, man!!! I would have loved to help. If you have any project like this let me know and I’ll take a few days off work to come help. OK? Un abrazo hermano. Hasta Pronto

    Marcos Uboldi

  2. your new babies are beautiful! we are excited for some baby goats in the fall…you should teach the students to make soap from the milk, it’s fantastic to use and really simple =)

    1. We are so on the same page. We have exclusively been making and using our own soap for more than a decade!