Significant Developments on the Monticello College Campus

Let me take a couple of lines to bring you current with Monticello College news. 10003970_10203082788614309_793595818_n

My daughter Amber and I spent the greater part of  5 months (Jan-May 2014) in California teaching a program called Personal Financial Autonomy (the Utah segment begins in September).

We met with great success and taught over 400 students in 12 locations.

We arrived back on campus just days before students began arriving for the first hybrid online/on campus program. IMG_0265

Along with regular academics (30-40 hours a week of study and classroom discussion) we spent the next three weeks kicking off life on campus by building temporary summer cabins to live in (three cabins are now complete). IMG_0216IMG_0202

We also honed our blacksmithing skills, planted the experimental garden, introduced students to small arms safety training, developed a daily farm chores routine, engaged in daily physical training, learned wilderness survival skills, and slaughtered a 300-pound hog!

Fund raising was so successful, that by mid- June we had begun the construction of the central structure on campus…the dining hall (thanks to Olde School, LLC construction company).

After a very successful first trimester, we began preparations for the 4th Annual Monticello College Family Retreat. IMG_3012

As this is always a small event (we can not accommodate  more than 150 participants), seventeen  families joined us this year to enjoyed classes in blacksmithing, alpaca wool working, herbal medicine, a low ropes course, hiking, ball room dancing, choral singing, economics, government, and number of other topics. IMG_3131

As with every year, the highlight of the Retreat was the food prepared for us by the Hartvigson family.

In just over a week students will once again come on campus for a three week session.

We will be building stone walls, learning about permaculture, butchering turkeys, and of course, lots of academics. We are already gearing up for enrollment for 2015 so be sure to begin the process early and contact us at 435 587-2593 or apply online by clicking here.

More pictures:

Family Retreat participants enjoy classes on herbal medicine.
Family Retreat participants enjoy classes on herbal medicine.
The roof trusses are going up. June 20, 2014
The roof trusses are going up. June 20, 2014
Expansion continues as more families lend support to the college
Expansion continues as more families lend support to the college
World-class ballroom instruction in primitive conditions
World-class ballroom instruction in primitive conditions
Family Retreat workshop for working wool from animals to be donated to the college
Family Retreat workshop for working wool from animals to be donated to the college
At the begining of the process: full time students learn to harvest a 300-pound hog for campus use
At the begining of the process: full time students learn to harvest a 300-pound hog for campus use
Students stay very engaged near the end of the process of harvesting a hog
Students stay very engaged near the end of the process of harvesting a hog

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