What Are The Georgics, Really?

    “What are the Georgics?,”  is a really good question.  Let me qualify myself before I attempt to answer this. I grew up on a 40-acre farm with 1,000 chickens, 30 head of cattle, 10 pigs and an assortment of ducks, geese, cats, and dogs etc. So I understand farm life and nature’s birth, […]

Attention Span: Our National Education Crisis, Part Three

Read Part One Here Read Part Two Here Fallacy Number 1: Learning should be fun. Indeed, the lesson seems to be that everything should be fun. The worst criticism of our time is that something is boring, as if that made it less true or less important or less right. There is nothing wrong with fun, […]

Attention Span: Our National Education Crisis, Part Four

Read Part One Here Read Part Two Here Read Part Three Here   Fallacy Number 4: “Balance” means balancing work with entertainment. Today’s adults don’t usually find out what really hard work is until they graduate and have to support a family. The average person supporting a family in modern America puts in over fifty hours […]

Attention Span: Our National Education Crisis, Part Two

Read Part One Here II. Attention Span and Freedom Of course, attention span by itself is not enough to guarantee education or freedom, but a person lacking attention span must either develop it or he will not become educated, and a nation without attention span must either gain it or lose its freedoms. If I […]

National Defense Authorization Act: Is This The Line In The Sand?

Posse Comitatus… Due Process… Habeas Corpus… What do these all have in common?  Suspension and death, if the National Defense Authorization Act is not vetoed by the President of the United States. U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-01) said it this way, “Today, I voted against H.R. 1540, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 because I firmly […]