What The H— Is Wrong With America? – Part One
Click Here For Part Two I’ve been angry for a while now. When I turned 50, I took pause and reflected on my life, presuming that I was at the halfway point (yes, I intend to live to see 100). I thought about my childhood in the 60’s and early 70’s. I reminisced my […]
Atlas Shrugged: France Models The Future Of America
In his 2008 book, The Cube and the Cathedral, George Weigel writes a compelling story suggesting that if you want a good view of the United States 15 or 20 years from now, take a look at Europe. More to the point are disturbing news reports that demonstrate spooky similarities to Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, being played out in […]
Building Two Towers And The Abundance Mentality
At regular intervals during undergraduate enrollment, a Monticello College mentor takes time to talk about the future. What will you be doing after graduation? What is your mission? Do you plan to have a family? How will you fulfill that mission while providing for your family? This necessarily leads to a great discussion. All students […]
The Debate Over The 2nd Amendment
Whether you support it or not, the recent dispute over the Second Amendment has the makings of a serious controversy in coming days. With the current refusal of as many as 300,000 Connecticut gun owners who legally possess rifles that have just now become illegal in that state, we are witnessing a profound example of civil disobedience. The amendment in question states: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the […]
A Revolution of Entrepreneurship
In January, I attended a convention where one of the featured speakers was my friend, Stephen Palmer. Steve’s bio is at the end of this post, but what I want you to know is that Steve actually believes and lives what he says. I hope Steve and Karina won’t mind too much if I get a little personal. I have […]
That Which is Seen and That Which is Not
The President of the United States believes that our role in the global community is to punish the Syrian government for military strikes on Syrian civilians resulting in hundreds of deaths and diminishing the Assad regime’s ability to deploy biological agents in the future. Whether or not it is the duty of the U.S. to […]
Why I Hate School But Love Education
On December 5, 2012, English rapper-poet Suli Breaks posted a video that took the internet by storm. With over 500,000 hits in the first couple of days, and over 2.5 million to date, this youtube video went viral almost the second it was released. This young college graduate, turned self-styled poet, takes a strong stance […]
The Liberal Arts During Bondage; Part Three: The Fourth Turning: The Opportunity Of The Century
Click Here to Read Part One Click Here to Read Part Two To wrap up this series, let’s rely on history to show us a way out of Bondage. As was mentioned in part two, we not only rely on the 250-year society oriented Tytler Cycle to show us the way, but the more personal […]
The Liberal Arts During Bondage: Part Two; How Do the Liberal Arts Help Us During Bondage?
Click Here to Read Part One Bringing You Up To Speed If you will recall from part one, for the past twenty years, we have taught that America was somewhere on the “pre-bondage” side of the cycle, between Selfishness and Dependence. As we enter 2013, we have clearly entered the Bondage phase. Just consider […]
The Fat Lady Begins To Sing
And so it begins… The most recent national election declared the passion of the American people for the Nanny State. Of the almost 127 million voters, a majority preferred a governing system that favors high taxes, a saturated welfare system, forced health care, and an abundance of government dependent workers. Apparently we have learned nothing […]