Farming Just Makes Sense

This post is one that will separate our readers into two groups.  You will either read it and say, “wow, that makes so much sense, I see why Monticello College has a farm and teaches the manual arts,” or you will read a part of it, become bored, and drift toward leaving the site. Either […]

Legislation Is In The Air

The Utah Legislature is in session. This is the note I sent to 16 legislators: HB 181 HOME CONSUMPTION AND HOMEMADE FOOD ACT And SB 108 RAW MILK AMENDMENTS These bills are easy. Should I have the right to purchase food from a private party? Yes. Am I capable of deciding if I trust the quality […]

Labor, Leisure, and Liberal Education

In 1951, Mortimer Adler wrote a insightful essay on education entitled, Labor, Leisure, and Liberal Education. I have included a short excerpt, if you like it just click on the link above for the full article. The application deadline for Monticello College is February 15, 2018. Click here to apply and qualify for a $1,000 […]

Wisdom From Our Father John Adams

In late 1765, John Adams began writing an essay entitled, “A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law.” He was 30 years old and just beginning to stretch his legal and political wings. His purpose for writing this essay was to contrast the tyranny of feudal and canon law with the glorious struggle for freedom […]

From Where Cometh Violence?

Karen Armstrong wrote a significant piece on terrorism that everyone should read called The Myth of Religious Violence. For those who need a little more convincing, allow me to share a few excerpts from her article: “The popular belief that religion is the cause of the world’s bloodiest conflicts is central to our modern conviction […]

A Beginner’s Review of the Qur’an, Part Three: The Best Defense

This is part three of a three-part series. Read Part I Here Read Part II Here Two Scholarships Left – Apply to Monticello College today to be eligible. I asked my good friend, follower of Jesus, and Muslim expert, Mark Siljander, to weigh in on this subject. Here is his reply: “I would humbly suggest […]

A Beginner’s Review of the Qur’an, Part Two: Biblical Terrorism?

This is part two of a three-part series. Read Part I Here The Qu’ran has been translated into over 100 languages. There are more than 20 English translations of the Qu’ran. Admittedly, most of us know little of this religion as a little more that 1 percent of Americans claim adherence to this faith. I […]

A Beginner’s Review of the Qur’an, Part One: Context Matters

A friend gave me the book What Every American Needs to Know About the Qur’an: A History of Islam and the United States by William J. Federer. I think my friend is concerned that I just don’t understand the fullness of the evil of Islam. So I am using this book as the starting point […]

The True American Order

America Is In Crisis. Some people are immune to the sound of that drum, hearing only a Chicken Little cry of “the sky is falling.” More, however, are beginning to sense that something really is wrong and want to solve our problems. Without fail, in every lecture and class I give, the question always comes […]

Year End Activities

As our school year wrapped up we had just a few things left to do before the snow arrived.                                                                 Apply now to be […]