2019 College Student Budgets

We all know the cost of a college education. Having government funding has taken the sting out for some people, but most of us have had to carry the burden of student loans for decades after we graduated. A little research shows where we are and what the 2018-19 freshman can expect. The College Board: Trends in […]

The Reality Of Islam

Monotheism. Submission of women. Violence justified by God. Holy war. Most would conclude that I am referring to Islam, but I am actually describing the first almost 2,000 years of Christianity. It is common knowledge to Christians that what took place in the Old Testament ( the first part to the bible) 3,000 years ago […]

First You Don’t See It, Now You Do

These two images have not been photo-shopped, but are side-by-side shots of the same landscape. This change is the result of 15 years of careful and consistent vegetation restoration. For centuries, the Loess Plateau in northern China has been denuded of vegetation by over farming and grazing and was known as one of the most […]

Read These Comments

If you follow my posts at all or are interested in the “Gun Freedom” debate, you have to go back to this post Gun Control Revisited, and read the comments. There are some really well thought out comments on both sides of the debate. People are scared of guns because they “believe”  firearms have only […]

Gun Control Revisited

A friend of mine commented on my recent blog post entitled Surprising Results From Obama Mandated Gun Violence Study By CDC. Though we disagree on a number of topics, I very much appreciate her candor and willingness to discuss hard issues. I have included her comments and my reply. Hi Shanon, Long time! Thanks for posting […]


Social media is not addictive for me, thank goodness because I think social media has become the scourge of the earth. What little redeeming value it has (a means of free enterprise) is completely overshadowed and swallowed up by all the damage people cause by using it. I have come loath Facebook, I don’t understand […]

Surprising Results From Obama Mandated Gun Violence Study By CDC

  I believe that this may be the most current and comprehensive report on gun-related violence available to date. In 2013 Slate Magazine a “left of center” online publication, provided this summary of the 120-page report fully entitled “Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence.” It took me a while to find the […]

New Faculty at Monticello College

I am super stoked to introduce you to our newest faculty members Amy Choate and Josh Choate. A perusal of Amy’s kitchen indicates a deep love and respect for the world of plants, medicinal herbs, and spices. Her passion for natural foods and lifestyle was born out of a debilitating illness in her early adult […]

The Only Legitimate Reason To Own And Carry Firearms

I seldom share my personal opinions on the issue of gun control due to its emotional nature and the typical over reaction I have experienced from a public with little exposure to firearms. But with the Parkland shooting, the Vegas shooting, and others of the last year, I feel compelled to add to this volatile […]

Youth For America 2018

    WHAT IS YFA? Youth For America is  summer retreat for young people who want to learn, have fun, and experience Monticello College for a week.  Below is a list of happenings at Youth for America.   INTENSE DISCUSSIONS: 1. Animal Farm, Orwell 2. The Declaration of Independence 3. Thomas Jefferson Education for Teens, […]