By Will Hively The following article is taken from the 1996 November issue of Discover Magazine. We would like to thank Discover for the great research and writing that went into this article. To read more great articles from Discover, visit them on the web at I CAN’T ENCOURAGE YOU ENOUGH TO TAKE THE […]

4th of July

July 4th Celebration Address 2020 On the 4th of July, Monticello College will hold a sunrise service beginning at 5:50am. Following this devotional, the college president will read the short speech below and offer a showing of the David Barton video: Sands of Time. On this day of celebration, it is customary to recite some […]

Up From Slavery

Booker T. Washington was nine years old when he was freed from slavery. His book “Up From Slavery,” gives great insight into the process of going from the dependence of slavery to the responsibility of freedom. He highlights the human degradation caused by slavery; not only the obvious humiliation of mind and spirit, but also […]

The Hardest School

The Boomer and Xer Generation’s search for the “quick fix” has done much to cripple the Millennial and Homeland generations, who I fear have weak mooring in the ancient bulwark of principle. The older generations have taught them to desire things from an entitlement perspective, which is always prefaced with an “I deserve” or “you […]

America’s Cultural Revolution

Beginning in the late 60’s through 1976, China experienced the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution that literally transformed the country, removing the last remnants of traditional Chinese culture and social structure. Mao, the architect of the revolution, working against his own party, declared that “to rebel is justified.” He incited a typical soviet style “class struggle” […]

National Debt Isn’t $23 Trillion, It’s $122 Trillion

In my 2019 book AMERICAN:Killing the American Dream, I stated on page 210, that the national debt was at least $100 trillion. The article below by Mark Tapscott, confirms that number. Read this article to better understand why the government has a different number for this very important issue. WASHINGTON—America’s current national debt stands at […]

New 2020 Hire at Monticello College

Joseph Bjork’s interests include philosophy, blacksmithing, economic independence, public policy, the relationship between culture and politics, the history of technology, making tools from scratch, flint knapping, pre-Columbian farming practices, food staples, natural building, and appropriate technology, amid an extensive and constantly expanding list. Joseph and Aubrey Bjork have four children, no farm animals (yet), and […]

This is Not a Day Care

Dr. Everett Piper, president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, posted an open letter to the university student body on OWU’s website in 2015 that quickly went viral. The letter ended with these words, which eventually became the basis his new book: “This is not a day care. This is a university.” Not a Day Care: The […]

2020: The Centenary of the Most Important Breakthrough in the History of Economics

By Mark Hendrickson January 2020 Mark Hendrickson is an economist who recently retired from the faculty of Grove City College, where he remains a fellow for economic and social policy at the Institute for Faith and Freedom. This essay was written and published in the Epoch Times. In 1920, Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises published […]


School is wrapping up for us at Monticello College (we run from mid-April to mid-November). We thought that you might be interested in reading a few essays written by our students. What follows is an essay written by Oliver Merten – a 2nd year student from Oregon. Some people consider this nation to be a […]