American Freedom Starts at Home

Lynn-PattersonWhen I first met them, the Pattersons were just a typical low-middle-class California family. But they really cared about raising their children (3 adopted and 1 natural born) the right way and always had lots of questions and seemed to work hard at going the extra mile to learn or do their very best.

Don’t get me wrong, I know the Pattersons are not without their faults; but I have known them for 15 years now, and I have watched a pattern develop over that time: good people, doing the best they know how, trying to do better when they can.

That is all we can ask of Americans – be good, do your best in the moment, and do better in the future.  Freedom is built and maintained on this formula.

I have shared the Patterson’s story before, but it has been almost a year now since Lynn Patterson passed away, and I have been closely watching to see how Symbria and Sara (wife and last child at home) would hold up.  If they are examples of true Americanism, we are in a good place.

Symbria and Sara continue to champion Food Freedom in Utah, slowly winning back basic freedoms we were all born with.  I hope I can stay the course as strongly as these two women are.

Watch this short video to see what they have done:



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