The Student Loan Crisis

No time to write this week, but I did want to share with you a revealing video from FEE,

The Foundation for Economic Education.

Click Here for Video

At Monticello College we are working to bring the price of college tuition down and quality of college education up.

Here are the tuition rates and the first year curriculum at Monticello College:

Annual Tuition Schedule

On Campus (2013) Online Hybrid
Tuition $3,000 $3,000
Residency (Board and Room) $3,500 $ 800
Books $ 500 $ 500
Total $7,000 $4,300


Monticello College

First Year Curriculum – Domestic Interests

Semester One

Great Books Seminar

Plato:                                 Republic

Aristophanes:                  Clouds

Aristotle:                          Ethics

Plutarch:                          The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans

Machiavelli:                     The Prince*

Locke:                               Concerning Civil Government *

Marx-Engels:                   Manifesto of the Communist Party *

Syntopicon:                     Multiple Topics

Leadership Block

DeMille:                        Thomas Jefferson Education *

Gladwell:                        The Tipping Point *

Pink:                               A Whole New Mind*

Government/American History/Cultural Literacy Seminar

Skousen:                        The 5,000 Year Leap*

Bastiat:                           The Law *

Adams:                           Thoughts on Government*

Madison et al:               The Federalist Papers

Kirk:                               Roots of American Order

Skousen:                        The Making of America

The Holy Bible:            Deuteronomy*

Wister:                          The Virginian *

Forstchen:                    One Second After*

Chang:                           Wild Swans *

Shakespeare:                Merchant of Venice – Reader’s Theater 1 (Residency)                                   

Founding Documents

Hammurabi Code

Ten Commandments

Magna Charta

Mayflower Compact

The Declaration of Independence

The U.S. Constitution

1791 Jefferson on National Bank

1791 Hamilton on National Bank


Up to 5 Simulation events

Foreign Language Block

Latin I

Mathematics/Science Seminar

The History of Mathematics, compiled

The History of Science, compiled

Grant:                              Summalogica                                               

Schneider:                      A Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe*            

Nicomachus:                  Introduction to Arithmetic                                               

Testing for Level

Writing Lab

3-day event

First Year Curriculum – Domestic Interests

Semester Two

Great Books Seminar

Plato:                               Republic

Aristotle:                        On the Heavens

Plutarch:                        The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans

Authors.:                        New Testament, St. Matthew*

Luke:                               New Testament, Acts of the Apostles *

Montaigne:                     Essays

Locke:                              Concerning Civil Government *

Gibbon:                            The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Locke:                              Concerning Civil Government *

Syntopicon:                     Multiple Topics

Leadership Block

Gladwell:                          Outliers*

DeMille & Brooks:         Thomas Jefferson Education for Teens *

Lansing:                          Endurance *

Government/American History/Culture Literacy Seminar

Allison:                           The Real George Washington *

Allison:                           The Real Benjamin Franklin *

Tocqueville:                   Democracy in America Vol. 2

Biography on Davy Crockett

Orwell:                          1984*

Douglas:                        Magnificent Obsession *

Bunyan:                         Pilgrim’s Progress *

Shakespeare:               Hamlet – Reader’s Theater 2 (Residency)

Johnson:                       History of the American People *

Documents of State: 

1796 Washington’s Farewell Address

1820 Missouri Compromise

1823 Monroe Doctrine

1850 Calhoun & Webster Compromise

1860 Cooper Union Address

1863 Gettysburg Address

1944 A New Bill of Rights

1945 Yalta Agreement

1947 The X Article

1983 Evil Empire Speech

Mathematics/Science Seminar

Applied Classics lab (Residency)

The Two New Sciences, Galileo

An Introduction to Mathematics, Whitehead



Up to 5 Simulation events


Trek I (Residency)

Arts Block

Art History

Vasari:                           The Lives of the Artists

Sobel:                            Galileo’s Daughter

Stone:                            The Agony and the Ecstasy

Music History

Copland & Slatkin:     What to Listen for in Music

Smith & Carlson:        The Gift of Music

Kavanaugh:                  Spiritual Lives of the Great Composers


Ballantyne:                  Architecture: A Very Short Introduction

Foreign Language Block

Hebrew I

*Book/article read in its entirety.











4 Responses

  1. I’d recommend Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank instead of One Second After by Forstchen. I really enjoyed Alas, Babylon, so I thought I would enjoy One Second After, but there was too much swearing in it. That kind of language is distracting and unnecessary.

    1. I enjoyed them both. I found over time that with such a personal scenario, most people relate better to One Second After as it is more current.

    1. Same text, but the IGB is just a sampling. The BA degree requires about 30 hours a week of study.

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