2018 Scholarships at Monticello College

We are a small liberal arts college that teaches the classics of western and eastern civilization and the manual arts of farming, construction, and survival. For the past 2 years our enrollment has doubled and we have good reason to believe that it will double again in 2018.

Based on the applications we have already received for next year, what appears to be a growing trend of annual doubling of enrollment, and the fact that all students are required to live on campus, housing is going to be at a premium in 2018. Application post marks or email dates will be used to secure limited housing until it is gone, the rest of the applications will go on a waiting list.

All new students will receive a $1,000 scholarship upon acceptance. This means that the sooner you apply the sooner you are eligible to  receive the scholarship.

Recently our students sent a group letter to the Monticello College Board of Trustees, here is a part of what they said:

Dear Monticello College Board of Trustees,

No words can really express how we feel about our experience here at Monticello College, but here is an attempt. We started out the school year in April by installing solar panels to generate our own electricity.


Learning the responsibility that comes with being off-grid has been fun although challenging at times. We are definitely a lot more conscious of our energy usage than we ever were before. We have also learned to reduce greatly the use of or live entirely without a lot of things we use to think where necessities.  


Watching the sunrise every morning in our Sunrise Solitude routine, thinking about ways to change ourselves and the future is quite literally enlightening. The MC Physical Training Program has been for us both mentally and physically strenuous. But not only have we become much stronger physically, we have learned to overcome hard tasks that have been placed before us and have learned that we are mentally tougher than we thought ourselves capable.


We are so grateful for the greenhouses and apple orchard fence that we were able to put in this year. Not only do we  have a critter free growing area, we are growing the best tasting tomatoes, greens, beets, and carrots in the entire world! We have learned a lot about how to tend plants properly. There is more to growing vegetables than just planting and watering.


We are thriving in an environment that encourages us to think for ourselves, to start projects of our own. Most of these projects have come from seeing a need and fulfilling it.


Learning the process of studying has been such a growing experience for all of us. Studying the words of the Great Thinkers has been life changing for sure! We are starting to scratch the surface of ancient wisdom that has been preserved through the ages. For this we are extremely grateful and to be honest, most of the time we just stand back in awe and wonder at the vast expanse of wisdom there is and wish we could learn it all at once.  

If this sounds like a good fit for your college age student, contact us for more information (435 590-1661) or click here to apply. We are accepting applications for the 2018 school year now (school year – April thru November).



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